Career Counseling Testimonials

A True Mentor
Alison is a highly dedicated and caring counselor. She is always available when I need her for advice, and she has helped me tremendously. My lack of self-esteem after many failures made me feel as though I could not function in everyday society. Seeing this, Alison spent countless hours counseling me and bolstering my confidence. Without her, I would not have had the courage to apply for my current job, which has been amazing. Alison practices what she preaches – she is one of the most honest and respectable people that I know and I am a better person because of her.

Most Worthwhile Guidance I’ve Received
I worked with Alison both as a client and as her intern, and she provided me with amazing career path guidance, as well as insight into my personality traits which have proven most useful in my personal and professional pursuits. I highly recommend her services, and continue to rely upon her as a source of counsel to this day.

This Is Where You Get That Second Chance
Alison provides a service like none other. I am a director at one of the most successful long term sobriety residential treatment centers in the country. Alison provides the connection to moving forward in life. Alison will bundle your experiences into a portfolio of future success. Her resume writing skills can place people in Fortune 500 companies but she has reserved her talents to helping those in recovery. Some day I will be looking for a new job, Alison will get me that job with her skill sets.
-Craig M.

A Few Good People
Alison, I’d like to commend you for the exceptional work you do. Help for those whose lives face hardships and complications due to numerous reasons. Something many avoid. You have proven to be the exception.
I came to you with no work history plus a lengthy prison stay that shadows me and complicates matters with me. But you never saw a road block only an hurdle to get past an we always did.
My employment desires were focal points that facing many directions and I thank you for narrowing the view towards a career.
Your training referrals an assessment plans, are in my opinion what helped me the most. My wife and I now feel more comfortable with me embarking on a direction that will allow me to contribute to our household budget. That’s been my true goal to find my social position to be a normal contributor an give my wake up a brighter reason. Plus we all need to pay our way through society.
So, Alison as I embark on what I feel is a comfortable journey towards independence and responsibility I commend you for what you tirelessly do for many of us in need. Helping us find our ways helps everyone while we give back in the process of survival. Technically your helping us become tax paying citizens. So as they say…”it’s all good!”
Thank you very much from the wife and myself. Peace to you.
Frederick K. Summervilles
Sent from my iPhone
-Frederick S.

It Is Because Of Alison That Joey Is Able To Give Back To His Community!
Under Alison Goldberg’s caring and professional supervision, I watched my son transform before my eyes. From a socially isolated individual suffering from low self-esteem and a tangible lack of purpose, it was through Alison’s trust and belief in his potential that Joey has become an active participant not only in his counseling program but in his community as well. It’s a gift beyond words to have someone believe in you, have the professional capacity to guide you, and allow you to experience the growth and potential that you never dreamt you would fully realize. Alison did just that in respect to my son, Every time I expressed awe or a profound sense of gratitude, Alison would offer that everyone is humanly capable, everyone deserves a chance, and everyone has much to offer. Alison has accessed this sense of purpose in my son and for that I am truly appreciative. It is because of Alison that Joey is able to give back to his community, to develop his personal skills, and to extend his compassion and direction for others in need. As a mother, I am extremely proud of Joey and eternally grateful for Alison’s nurturing and compassionate foresight.
-Susie S.

Alison Was A Game-Changer
Alison was a game-changer for me after I completed inpatient treatment. Looking for work after treatment can be daunting and disheartening, but Alison made it an enjoyable and successful process. From building my resume to interview tips to setting me up with her wide network of contacts. Within a week I had a job that became the stepping stone to my new career. I am forever grateful to Alison and highly recommend her to any and all facilities!
-Zach S.

I Am Successful, I Know My Life Has A Meaning, And I Know I MATTER!
I wouldn’t be where I am today, 3 years sober, living an independent and purposeful life if I did not have Alison as my Career Counselor and Life Coach, while in treatment at Beit T’Shuvah. She assisted me with getting on a path of independence and finding enjoyment in peer counseling and life coaching. Alison has invested in me from the beginning and three years later she still stays involved and continues to guide me in my recovery and my career. I feel so grateful that I get to work in my life’s passion which is to help others live well. Doing meaningful work gives me a reason to stay sober because now I have a purpose. I am a successful, I know my life has a meaning, and I know I MATTER!
-Joseph Z.

Thank You Alison!
I came to Alison Goldberg with much anxiety regarding my reentry into the workforce, and she has been an invaluable resource providing practical advice and caring support. She took the time to get to know me as a person, and she is always there for me when I need help.
-Eric F.

When I Became A Resident Of Beit T’Shuvah I Was At My Bottom.
I had a wonderful resume both career and unfortunately criminal as well. So I had some skill set but being on the job hunt could have definitely been a hardship. Not only did the career center and Alison Goldberg especially assist me in grooming myself to be back into the professional industry, mentally and smoothing out my resume. I was also introduced to an employer that I have now been with for over 3 years. I started as a telemarketer and am now currently the director of operations. I as well have made 2 trips to Manila for this company to start and grow a caller center. This position was a match made in heaven for me and Alison played a significant roll in getting me to where I’m at to this day. I continue to stay in contact with her today as I’m ever so grateful. If you want to reach out to me to ask me in greater detail my experience please ask Alison for my contact information.
-Michael B.

Alison Goldberg Was The Best Decision I Could Have Ever Made
I would like to take a few minutes to share my experience about my career counselor from Beit T’Shuvah. Alison Goldberg was the best decision I could have ever made when it came to finding the right person for the help and direction that I needed. A new career path is a scary one, there was a lot of care and great advice that came from her and for that I am forever grateful. She advised me to check into Vocational rehab and one and half years later, I am about to become a massage therapist…thanks to the funding and advice I needed…
-Tina L.

Thank You!
Working with Alison Goldberg during my career search was invaluable to me. During a crucial time in my recovery and looking for work has its challenges, and Alison helped me navigate through each and every step along the way. Alison was a calming influence to me and was able to help me focus on the right career path. Alison assisted me in getting my current job and I highly recommend her!
-Sheryl W.

Alison Also Did A Great Job With The Intern Project Which I Was A Part Of.
My name is Paul Rovin. I was a resident at Beit T’Shuvah from February 12, 2013 to May 14, 2015. For me the career center and especially the work and encouragement from Director Alison Goldberg was a large factor in my road to recovery. I was unable to write a resume or use the computer before being introduced to the career center. Alison helped me get my first job by sticking with their program and it worked.
-Paul R.

We Are Honored Working With Alison
As a Job Seeker:
I was a little over two years into my recovery and had been still working at my first sober job. The economy in 2008 was not favorable and I was happy to take any job I could get and was grateful. I worked in a call center selling cable to people that would call into an 800 number. I became a supervisor after about two years. The environment was horrible and I soon became extremely depressed. I felt like there was no point to even remain sober, that I would be stuck in an industry I did not like for the rest of my life and I may as well return to drugs and alcohol.
I knew Alison worked in the career center at the rehab I had attended. Even though I no longer lived at the facility I decided I would give looking for a better job a shot, and dropped in on Alison in the career center. Being an alumnus of the facility I felt comfortable doing so. Perhaps I seemed ok on the outside but rest assured I was far from ok. I told Alison of my dilemma. I just thought she could help my spruce up my resume and send me on my way. She had me first take some tests that would determine jobs that not only I would enjoy but also excel at. She then helped me curtail my resume to the findings on the tests.
Shortly after, Alison told me she had someone for me to speak to in the industry we
had identified. Just like any good addict I had contempt prior to investigation. Three and a half years later I am still at the job Alison found for me. Not only is it in the industry I wanted to work in but also I am working for the type of company I have always wanted to work for and in the capacity that I have always dreamed of.
As a placed Job Seeker with more responsibility:
After several years and growth at the company Alison had placed me at I have become the vice president of one of its divisions. Alison has been an indispensible resource for me. She has provided me with employees both temporarily and permanently. Given her understanding of my objectives and the skills and desires of her clients she has never sent anyone who was not a good fit. A resume never tells you want kind of person you are getting. I am always confident knowing Alison has properly vetted the job candidates she sends to me.
As a Company:
We are a small to medium size company experiencing growth and opportunity. The job market is always tough for job seekers but as an employer it certainly faces its own obstacles. Alison has sent us many employees over the years. Not being overly familiar with the challenges one faces with recovery we were certainly highly apprehensive about knowingly hiring people with historical drug and alcohol problems. Alison was able to guide us on what to expect with these people, how they differed from most and how to best work with them. We currently have a number of full time employees placed at our firm as a direct result of Alison’s efforts. The employee’s have been an excellent fit and display levels of loyalty and pride in our company an employer could only imagine to find in one person, let alone several.
We are honored working with Alison and providing people with a sense of self-worth and hope, while enjoying the benefits of high quality personal.
-Nathan And Peterberg, Inc

Thank You For All You Have Given Me!!
I want to say Thank You for all that you have done for me over the few years. You’ve given me so much, you pushed me when I wanted to give up, and you helped me find new jobs when the ones I had didn’t last. Your perseverance helped me find my Willpower, and now I’ve been at Centinela Feed for almost 2 years! This Sunday I will be taking part in a Store Inventory at another one of their stores, and this is just one more step closer to a promotion.
-Jeremy A.

Through The Years, She Has Helped Me Overcome Many Obstacles!
My name is Jeremy Alaynick. I came to know Alison Goldberg 4 years ago when I entered Beit T’Shuvah. Through the years, she has helped me overcome many obstacles! She always stuck by my side, lending encouraging words to help me discover my purpose. She was very helpful in finding me temporary work in every field possible until I finally found the courage to believe in myself and go out to find a job in the field that I wanted to work in. I’ve been working at my job for over 2 years now, and I continue to see her to get advice on things that come up in my work life. Alison is always so helpful when it comes to listening to my issues and lending her advice on ways that I can approach the issue.
-Jeremy A.